Walmart は世界最大のスーパーマーケットチェーンで、しかも売上高で世界最大を誇る企業です。ちなみに売上高2位~5位は大手石油メジャーです。創業者サム・ウォルトンには5人の親族がいます。その5名は、フォーブス発表による世界長者番付(2006年度)の17-21位を占めており、一族の総資産は8兆円に及ぶそうです。これも一位のビル・ゲイツ (総資産5 兆9000億)を超えて世界一です。
Lowers Prices on Variety of Items to Help Patients Better Manage Their Diabetes
BENTONVILLE, Ark. – July 24, 2012 – Walmart today launched an effort to save diabetes patients in the U.S. up to $60 million annually with Walmart’s exclusive ReliOn brand of diabetes products. ReliOn products provide an affordable, high-quality option to help the nearly 26 million individuals who live with diabetes in the U.S. better manage their disease.
In particular, Walmart introduced today the low-cost ReliOn Prime meter and blood sugar test strips. People with diabetes use meters and blood sugar test strips daily to test their blood sugar levels and determine when they need to take insulin.
“Many people with diabetes struggle to manage their disease due to its terrible financial burden,” said John Agwunobi, M.D., president of Walmart U.S. Health and Wellness. “We’ve worked closely with our suppliers and found a way to significantly reduce the cost of diabetes products for all of our customers, whether they have insurance or not, so they can better manage their disease.”
Walmart will provide increased savings on a variety of items to help patients ease the cost of diabetes management. ReliOn items that will see reduced prices include gloves, lancets, syringes and more.
The American Diabetes Association recommends that people who take insulin to treat their diabetes should test their blood glucose levels a minimum of three times per day to appropriately manage the disease, and many people on oral medications also test their blood glucose, which can result in expensive out-of-pocket costs. People with diabetes spend as much as $1,000 each year on blood glucose monitoring test strips alone, regardless of whether they have insurance. Switching to ReliOn Prime test strips can save each diabetes patient as much as $784 a year.
The Walmart Foundation has donated more than $2 million to diabetes-focused organizations across the U.S. over the last fiscal year, including the American Diabetes Association, Diabetes Today Advisory Council, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and Southeastern Diabetes Education Services.
- 2012年7月24日 -
1,000以上を費やしています。 ReliOnプライム製品を利用すれば年間$784も節約する事が出来ます。